Garth, Kym and Alex came around for lunch today. We had a cranberry and apple stuffed roasted chicken, and they brought a carrot cake for dessert. It was great to catch up though the weather packed up and turned pretty damn cold. They fled around 2... I think they were fleeing the icebox of our lounge :P K fell asleep at 12:40 and woke up at 4!!!!! Mein Gott!! How come this never happens during the week! Which was fortunate as I had a little nap myself - ah, nana naps, where would we be without them!
Tomorrow we head off to the pools. It is the coffeegroup catchup. Chris is coming along as he has never been to the pools with K and he can enjoy some time with K doing his merbaby impersonation. Now I just have to find my swimming costume - and hopefully I can avoid poking out my eyes after seeing myself in togs in the mirror. Aaaaiieee.
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