Today got off to a slow start. Normally on a Monday I fob K off to Chris while I jump through the shower and get dressed. Today didn't work out that way so I wound up showering with K at 9am. That's right, the very time I was hoping to head out the door to playgroup. I called the doctors as K's mysterious rash now has a nasty pebbled appearance - and looks rather painful. I scored a 3:15pm appointment with Dr Horne and chivvied K out the door. We arrived late at playgroup on a blustery, gusting day and K raced about squealing with delight. A sandcastle was built in the sandpit, and as the red "lava" boiled out K's screams of encouragement drowned out all the other children's shrieks of delight. Heading inside K discovered some ink covered stamps and smeared himself and me with green ink.. aye, aye, aye! Safely back outdoors we hurtled about for a while before coming to rest for a snack. Suzie arrived and we had a good chat while our children huddled on our laps rather than explore the fort, sandpit or hall. I helped tidy up and then we left at noonish.
Once home I fed the Squeak and got him up to bed, before baking some cheese bread. Unfortunately he only fell asleep at 1:10 which meant I would have to cut his afternoon nap short to make the dr appointment. Annoyingly the phone rang when I was downstairs, causing me to hare upstairs so K did not wrathfully rounse from his nap. It was the woman from #8, and we are heading over there tomorrow afternoon. Sure enough the snoozey one was still slumbering come 3pm. I got him up and changed into a fresh nappy at 3:05 and bundled him into the car. I had hoped to walk him up in the stroller but... We arrived at the clinic at 3:12 and saw the doctor at 3:40 - typical!! After exposing my son's bits to the interested gaze of his doctor we got our prescription (for medication and for nappy free time) and headed off to the library for a good run, before heading back home to play with playdough. Tonight K for the first time showed some enthusiasm for feeding himself. The new spoon and fork seem to be doing the trick!
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