Headed off to the pools today to catch up with Kym. It seemed only sensible as the torrential rain battered the car to tear my clothes off and submerge myself in water :P
The carpark was so full!! I eventually found a spot at the very back and headed in to meet Kym. Kieran really enjoyed the pools today! We went into the large children's pool, he got to ride on my back like a baby turtle, then he rode on a floatboard and wave his hands under the jets, he danced through the water spouts and even slid on the elephant in the toddler pool. After getting out and dressed we headed off to the mall to get a drink, have some snacks and let the kidlets play in the little play area by Farmers. I parked by Knitworld (MILES AWAY from the mall cos I had the great idea that I would pop in there on the way back to the car) and trudged off to the mall, in the rain, carrying K. Many minutes later I got there and Kieran and Alex were reunited :P Mango smoothies were acquired and K sucked an amazing amount up through a straw! Not bad for his first mango smoothie hey! After the refreshment break we headed into Whitcoulls where K caused mayhem with the Disney Princess balls, and I eyed the Lynley Dodd books in a manner calculated to strike fear into Chris's heart. They had a wee play and then it was off to pound the pavements as we headed to Knitworld and Leviathan. Got into knitworld and they had the wool - yay!! Now all we need to do is get it to Joy so my jumper can be finished! Got to the car and discovered a parking ticket. Fan-bloody-tastic. Still, it was only for $12 so that's ok :P Headed off home and K fell asleep before we left Henderson. All the swimming must have tired him out. I was mulling over going out this arvo - but I think I will give it a pass! Too wet.
Tomorrow is Damian's birthday dinner - yay - but before then I must do some work on my assignment - eep!
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