On Wednesday I had my second to last VitD appointment - where does the time go! But before I arrived at Withers Road I dropped Chris off at the Dr's - yup, painful sinuses and a mysterious rash had prompted the doctor shy Chris to man up and make an appointment hehehe. We had a great time at Mainly Music. Kieran really really enjoys it now, and has a ball (sometimes literally). Although he got whacked in the face by a snotty little girl it didn't diminish his happiness. After the session I headed off to the playground on Glendale Road near the library - to run the sass out of Kieran. Someone had the sass run out of them - but I am not sure it was Kieran! Afterwards I got home and plonked him in his highchair for lunch. He revelled in watching the Brainy Baby dvd that I borrowed from the library - lucky widget. After his nap we headed up to the library to grab some more books for my little fiend, then mucked around in the Barnea Circle playground. Literally - all the rain had made the surrounds a tad boggy!
Today began dramatically. I looked out the window in time to see a car from next door scare a mother duck and her ducklings. She skittered across the road - and storm drain - for safety. The ducklings didn't make it. The air was rife with duck screams and duckling peeps. I called Waitakere Council and they sent someone out. When the grate was popped and the ducklings (all 6 of them!) fished out with a net it turned out that they were very new ducklings indeed. The local cats, who had been prowling about with interest, were devastated. Bandit arose from his spot by the open door where he had been watching proceedings and took himself up to bed instead.
I am off to coffeegroup this morning then have sureslim tonight. Weather permitting, there may be a trip to the zoo tomorrow... but probably not :(
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