On Wednesday we hightailed it out to the Vit D appointment and mainly music. K is really getting into mainly music now- which is just fantastic. He was getting a bit teary after the session (teething) so I whipped him up to the library, where he was harassed by a group of 4 little thugs then took him to the Glendale road playground to run the sass out of him, before returning home for lunch. We are in the process of getting K to man up and feed himself and the food consumed by him wouldn't keep a mouse alive :P Once he was in his cot I collapsed with a sigh of relief before remembering that I had to bake my date, hazelnut and pecan cake for the coffeegroup dinner. No sooner had said cake been taken out of the oven and I laid my weary head on the pillow for a well earned nap than Chris called. For a moment I wished him to perdition. Springing to the computer I worked feverishly at the urgent job he had emailed me, finishing it 45 minutes later - just as K awoke. Noooooooooooooo!! Wishing to share the love (hehe) I popped over to #8 to see if she was in, as no one had answered my knock on tuesday. So, of course, I interrupt her bathing her kids - who then proceed to fall all over themselves vying for my attention (seriously, why would kids be attracted to me?!). K had a wonderful time, and truly had the sass run out of him. I, however, staggered home in need of a stiff drink! Alas, I could not find one and K needed to be fed! Anyway, the coffeegroup catchup was awesome!! I had a fantastic time - and got home and went straight to bed! This morning Chris gazed at me hopefully, before asking in a wheedling tone if I needed the truck (his has been playing up again, grrrr!!) so, after quickly checking the (very grey) sky, I graciously allowed him to abscond with his father's vehicle. Truly, my magnanimity amazes me at times! So K got to enjoy a walk in the stroller as we headed up the Glen Eden library for storytime. He did really well until the last story where he wanted to RUN and LEAP, and PRANCE, and settled for stealing the music makers instead. That child, tut, tut. He gets it from his father, you know :P DVD's at the library were 2 for the price of 1 so I got K a wonderful selection to enjoy hehe. We've got a mix of Mr Noisy and Postman Pat and some musicky ones too!
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