Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Bend it like Kieran

We had a busy day today. I asked Chris to look after K this morning while I showered and got us sorted for a 9am departure. The alarm went off and K was still asleep. Chris leaned over and whispered lovingly in my ear "Get your arse out of bed and into the shower before Kieran wakes up" I ignored him and pretended I was dead. He got up about 15 minutes later and went off to the stygian depths of the PC room. At around 7:20 I reluctantly hauled myself out of bed and into the shower. Just as I stepped out of the shower into the frigid air of the bathroom the door was flung open (accompanied by an icy gust of air!!) and K, carried by his minion - an ill favoured sort if ever I saw one, entered the Water Playroom. Despite K's enjoyment of the shower he was out, dried, dressed, fed and even had time to watch Bob the Builder and the Wiggles before we left for Playgroup at 9:15.
Once there K could not contain his excitement and poked about everywhere before kicking a ball around the fort in the style of Beckham himself. After this activity palled the sandpit beckoned - and we spent an hour digging about and crawling through the sand. Every so often he would rise up from crawling through the sandcastles I was making for him and throw his arms around me for a cuddle - and smearing me with sand and effluvia :) We coloured in a pumpkin and then headed off to the library and vege shop. I am knackered!! Once home and fed I stripped K off in preparation for a shower to wash off all the sand. Instead, K scooted out of the garden door and cavorted about with Bandit, clad only in a nappy. Ay ay ay! While chasing around after the boys I noticed that the Mulberry tree we bought to celebrate K's birth is leafing out and has 2 tiny mulberries on it - too cool! Have loaded pics up on FB too - enjoy :)
Tomorrow I have the Vit D appointment and then Mainly Music. K will have an awesome time playing with the toys. Me, I am thinking wistfully of a nap!

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