Once there K could not contain his excitement and poked about everywhere before kicking a ball around the fort in the style of Beckham himself. After this activity palled the sandpit beckoned - and we spent an hour digging about and crawling through the sand. Every so often he would rise up from crawling through the sandcastles I was making for him and throw his arms around me for a cuddle - and smearing me with sand and effluvia :) We coloured in a pumpkin and then headed off to the library and vege shop. I am knackered!! Once home and fed I stripped K off in preparation for a shower to wash off all the sand. Instead, K scooted out of the garden door and cavorted about with Bandit, clad only in a nappy. Ay ay ay! While chasing around after the boys I noticed that the Mulberry tree we bought to celebrate K's birth is leafing out and has 2 tiny mulberries on it - too cool! Have loaded pics up on FB too - enjoy :)
Tomorrow I have the Vit D appointment and then Mainly Music. K will have an awesome time playing with the toys. Me, I am thinking wistfully of a nap!
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