On Wednesday we were awoken by the sound of Bandit vomiting up his biscuits, multiple times, in the bedroom. Naturally this woke Kieran, and thus, our wrath! Why old Vomitus can't do the deed outside I will never know! Later that morning I headed off to my last VitD appointment, receiving a MTA voucher in exchange for some blood :) Then K and I headed into mainly music - we arrived just as they were about to begin. Normally we arrive quite early but the morning had got off to a slow start, and was further delayed by my need to visit a bakery. I get these urges, you see..... K had a great time at MM and we got home with plenty of time to lunch him, before popping him into the cot with Cow. Cow is my hot water bottle. It has a cover that is furry and snuggly and K looooves Cow. When I popped it into the cot, it was because the day was quite cool, and Cow was slightly warm. K scarfed his bottle and rolled onto the half full Cow and went to sleep. Occasionally I would hear slosh slosh noises through the baby monitor as he gave it a pat before nodding off again. This morning K awoke early. I sprang into action, flinging Cow into the cot. We were edified to hear slosh slosh for the next 20 minutes as K petted Cow with delight. He is my son, after all :) Ruth came by for a visit this morning bringing Finlay and Christian. The three boys enjoyed themselves immensely, eventually leaving after a couple of hours of running around the garden and cat tormenting. Yes, Bandit was terrorised by 3 active 18 month old boys and lies exhausted on the spare room in the sunshine. My heart goes out to him - not! Kieran is now asleep, cheek pillowed on Cow. This afternoon we are headed off to visit Rachel and her new baby - should be fun!
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