Last night K accosted me as I was carrying recycling items out the door in the pouring rain. He claimed the 3litre milk bottle and began stroking it with possessive pride. For K, milk is crack :)
He then began trying to work out how to unscrew the lid. To our horror he not only managed to unscrew the lid - he managed to screw it back on again. Now, nothing in the pantry is safe :(
Headed out Wednesday morning for the Vit D appointment and managed to dodge the many rubbish trucks on the road long enough to get there hehe. We then swung into Mainly Music and K had an awesome time. We headed off home so K could around around the house like a maniac and play with the cat, and scrounge around in the garden and - oh, yes - actually HAVE A NAP!! We hit the library after he woke up to find some new books for him - lucky wee devil!
On Thursday we scrambled about getting ready for coffeegroup. Like a fool I decided to drive. I parked up by the mad butcher so I could pick up some meat on the way home. I trudged halfway to the Plunket rooms and couldn't remember if I had locked the car -aaargh. Cursing silently (as I was carrying a heavy haffalump) I backtracked. Yes, I HAD locked it. I decided to pop into the mad butcher and grab the meat on the way, did this with K shrieking in joy at the sight of the ready to drink flavoured milk cartons, and fled. I then got to stand outside the rooms for almost 10 minutes waiting for someone to arrive and unlock them. Not normally a problem, except when one has a writhing, squirming child in your arms of course!!
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