Headed off to Mainly Music today. I was stressed cos I looked at my watch after a last minute nappy change and saw that it was 9:40am. This was bad as I had planned to leave at 9:15 so K could play with toys and get used to the venue/people. As I hit Summerlands drive I saw Rachel's car directly in front of me. Too cool :) The session was alright - except for the human limpet clamped to my torso. Partway through the session a huge sack of teddybears was brought out for a song, causing the limpet to uncurl and take an interest in the session. I sensed trouble but was helpless to prevent the disaster I looming ahead. Sure enough, despite the organiser's pleas for the children to have "just ONE teddy" I amassed 12 teddy's next to me. Beaming with pride K bustled off to dig about in the sack for a stuffed toy which was carried ceremoniously across the floor (again, and again, and again...) to where I cowered against the back wall, ready to receive my bounty. He was so thrilled with himself. My usual Mainly Music session is better. It is a toy library so it has better and more toys, the space is much much larger and there are more people - oh, and it is cheaper too! Always a bonus. We headed home and I let K bustle about while I got his bottle prepped and changed his nappy since he had been making tired noises. Tired noises my rear end! I popped him into the cot at 11:45am... he fell asleep at 1:33... and woke up at 3:50 - destroying my afternoon plans of a walk up to the library and playground. Instead, I spread towels across the floor and let him run around buck naked to air the nappy rash- still nasty and painful, but there are now patches of healed skin - booya! Tomorrow I am heading off to Oratia playgroup so hopefully we have another gorgeous sunny day like today.
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