It was an .... interesting night. K woke several times from 3am onwards, shrieking like a howler monkey and rattling the bars of his cot. Caring and empathetic parents that we are we instantly...ignored him and went back to sleep. He settled down and settled back to sleep - eventually. On the third round of shrieking I tossed a fresh bottle into the cot. Lo and behold he then slept until 7:40!! Typical! I had been hoping for a bit of a sleep in - instead, I experienced sleep sabotage! The zoo trip was awesome. Ruth and I experienced the chaos of three little boys running riot in a zoo :) I got to push, carry, drag and otherwise move a variety of infants about the zoo environs. Wicked fun! Poor K has got an awful case of nappy rash - bits of skin missing in places - poor wee thing. I have changed nappies frequently, and popped him into the shower to wash off the afflicted area but it's not getting any better. He fell asleep at 1pm today but awoke screaming a mere hour later -- from the nappy rash meeting natural functions I postulate. This afternoon I walked up to the library with K to pay Chris's Lack-of-WOF fine. While I waited in line with K in my arms I asked him for a kiss. I plead with my son for kisses on an hourly basis (needy or what haha) - with no luck whatsover. K believes that one of us gives the kisses, the other receives the kisses. Guess which one is me! Anyway, I looked at him and asked for a kiss. I was very surprised when he leaned forward and placed his mouth on mine for 3 seconds (mouth closed - yay!). Woohoo - my first kiss :P
After throwing $200 at Waitakere City Council we headed off to the kiddies area. They have a mat with 6 dinosaurs and dragons on it. I have made it a point to always get excited about seeing the mat (I cringe a little inside as I hear myself hehe) "Ooh look Kieran, can you see the dinosaurs! Wow, look, a red/green/orange etc dinosaur. Now he enters the area and scurries over to the mat where he paces along solemnly pointing at each vivdly hued reptile.
Tonight will be exciting, we will be changing K's nappy each time he wakes wanting milk. Unlike myself, an angelic child who could have a nappy changed without ever waking up, K is rather more, um, feisty/grumpy/miserable. Wow, can't wait!!
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