Wednesday 8 July 2009

Perturbed and Peeved

Those who read my facebook status will know that I spent much of yesterday calling down maledictions upon the male sex. After the cause of my angst exited the house Kieran and I did some major tidying up. Couches were pulled out and swept behind, toys were retrieved, bookcases were packed up and rearranged, the cupboard-under-the-stairs was opened, reviewed and repacked, the cat scratch post was moved and the kitchen got a revamp. Throughout all of the 3.5 hours it took to do this K was bustling about after me - playing with the broom, chasing petrified (geological sense haha) snacks across the floor, crawling into packing boxes I was placing books into, hurling toys into said box, now also containing a Siamese - and basically driving me to distraction and laughter.I received some respite when I popped Howl's moving castle dvd on - it is actually a great adaptation of Dianne Wynne Jones as long as you understand that just the concept remains the saem (oh, the names too, I guess hehe). Chris arrived home and gazed around the scene of much activity and labour and said... I see you moved the cat's scratching post. Aaaaarrrrgh!
This morning I had the weekly meeting for the vitamin D trial. K woke up at 7:58am which was awesome!! Alas it also meant a flurry of showering and dressing. And NO breakfast for Chris or I. No lunch for Chris either. Man, that bracelet is a pain in the ass. The velcro catches on all my sleeves and makes it very difficult to have the face of the thingy uncovered. Oh well. only 7 more weeks! While I was there I realised that the team work with Uncle Dan :P Such a small world isn't it!! Kieran and I walked back from the meeting at 8:40. The sky was grey - yet rain free, the weather cool and we were breakfast free. It was an enjoyable walk, well, for me anyway. K rode in the stroller, rugged up to the nth degree and sucking on his bottle - hopefully not a foretelling of his future as a wheelchair bound boozer :) We headed into the library cos we reached it just as the doors opened at 9 and K loved it. Again, he ran up and down the aisles, "helped" the librarians shelve books, leapt upon the big white bear etc. Eventually my lust for breakfast could not be contained, and I whisked him off home.
I popped him down for his nap and spent the HOUR in which he repeatedly thrust his clenched fists to the ceiling while grunting ferociously, or rolled about the cot clicking his tongue by reading books for my Massey assignment. Three down, 12 to go! I also popped a video of K leaping from the Futon up on Facebook, as well as some pics. There was a wail of horror from Chris last night as K leapt from the futon..onto the carpeted floor..... foolish morsel!
Oh, and our Daphne is blooming. I will take a pic on pop it up for tomorrows blog picture.

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