I am knackered!! Yesterday went well - after I got my crying jag out of the way haha. Chris came home and made dinner. It was wonderful. Then I went to bed early - but couldn't really sleep which was frustrating. Today I was disinclined to leave the bed. Alas, K had other ideas and romped so vigourously over the bed that I eventually hauled my reluctant carcass free of the bedding at 7:10am. Breakfast was made, rubbish was gotten out and husbands were turfed out the door to earn a living. I slumped on the couch with a bowl of all bran while K tucked into his chocolate porridge, We headed off to the Plunket coffeegroup which went really well, and I tidied up some of the toys that had become mixed up when the bookshelf fell on K's head. K was knackered when we got home tho, and was asleep quickly leaving me to make many many phone calls about graduation photos and sundry other bits and pieces as well as trying to arrange a carseat for the wellington trip. Ours is too large and spacious for the airline's liking. I finally managed to source a carseat - but the place was only open9-2... so THAT wasn't going to work. Luckily Rache - a lifesaver if there ever was one! - offered to pick it up for us. I will give her the money at babygym tomorrow and then Chris can collect the carseat hehe. Tomorrow is also Bandit's check up at the vet. I am hoping for a clean bill of health :)
Alas, the rubbish trucks roared into the Circle a mere hour into K's naptime so he was up about 10 minutes after I had laid myself down for MY nap. We headed downstairs and I made rosemary and parmesan bread rolls and hamburger patties. Dinner was delicious, if I do say so myself. K certainly enjoyed it - stunning and amazing us by the amount he put away!
K has fallen in love with his lion toddler harness and brings it over so he can get clipped into it. He then prowls around the house, growling quietly. Today, he brought over the new gumboots and stomped around in them having a whale of a time. He now demands songs by asking for "EIEIO" and Row row row bot". He also LOVES pumpkin pie - consuming it with a relish that has to be seen to be believed :) He also decided 2 days ago that he is now such a big boy that he will walk down the stairs using the railing..... they grow up so fast, sniff sniff......
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