On wednesday we headed off to Mainly Music in the rain.... yup, looks like Autumn is here :) Cooler evenings and drizzly days :) We stopped in briefly at the library on the way there. Briefly, as some strange, unkempt child obviously had a sore tummy and voided his bowels in the kids area. He was around 6 so no nappy, and the smell!!!!! We left. Quickly. And walked sedately to Mainly Music. In the rain. K had a blast while there - which is all good, and tried to fall asleep in the stroller - not so good. That evening I told Chris I could not be arsed cooking and that I would meet him at the fish and chip shop. Oh, how our vices come back to bite us! I dragged K up the road. Every time he made the attempt to sprint off he tripped so I wound up carrying him .....sigh. We got to the fish shop and it was seething!! I eventually packed Chris and K off home, placed our order and proceeded to wait an eternity for it. 40 minutes all up!!!!! I shall not cave in to dinner laziness again - I have been taught my lesson hahaha. K awoke this morning at 4:30 and pattered into the bedroom to breathe heavily into his fathers ear. Chris took this amiss and I dragged K back off to his bed to try and settle him. It did not go well. Chris popped in just before 6 and I tossed in the towel and crawled back to bed for some sleep. I got maybe 40 minutes before Chris popped in to tell me that K was making like Old Faithful out of his rear. Joy. Naturally, as a concerned mother I hopped out of bed to care for my ailing, and wailing child. I did not. I lay in bed, and imagined this situation with TWO kidlets out for the count. K was brought to the bed for s snuggle fresh from the shower. This lasted 30 minutes before he woke, wittered, and vomited.....over our bedding, over my shoulder, over me, over the carpet as I trudged off to the shower..... After a shower Chris whisked K off for a nappy change and a new set of clothes while I washed myself. I then staggered downstairs, settled K, and put on the first of 3 loads of washing. I had some toast for breakfast which K revived enough to steal, then thought wistfully of babygym. No, I did not take my sick scrog to babygym. Hours passed cuddling the kid, and interspersed with periods of hanging out washing and doing another load. I believe snacks happened too. I put K down at 11:30 and he was out in minutes and slept for 2 hours. He has bounced back over the course of the day as I have sagged and deflated, like an aged balloon. I prepared dinner, washed the child and sat with him until he slept. I formally announce that I am done! Once this blog entry is done I am off to bed. Neither ninjas nor pirates could keep me from it tonight!!
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