Indeed it was, and to celebrate we headed out to Toddler's Day out at the Trusts Stadium. Through vicious chivvying I got us out of the house by 10:05. Not bad, considering the event started at 10am. Chris, as usual, would have been perfectly happy to stay at home and watch Sky and play on his pc. However, we owe a duty to the kidlet to get him out and about to new places haha even if his father is stiff and sore and wants to relax at home! His mood was not improved by us having to park miles from the venue. Once we arrived we went straight to the petting zoo. Due to the early hour there was shade and water - unlike our previous trip at the end of the day. However, there was no check on the number of people allowed in the enclosure at any time and the animals were becoming stressed - after a mere 40 minutes of being exposed to squillions of toddlers. Poor devils had another 5 hours of hell to go :( K admired the cows, stroked a sheep, gazed at chickens and fled from a piglet. He was unsure about the goat. After a scintillating 6 minutes we left the enclosure - and those poor animals. Once inside the main venue K was very unsure, what with the crowds and all. However, when he saw the setup from his baby gym session (they had an area set up in the centre) there was no stopping him. He leapt and crawled and danced. He ran the length of the venue, pausing to cavort on exercise equipment and playdough, crisscrossing it as he danced with delight. We trotted gamely after him, keeping him in our sights. And Chris got crosser and crosser. Aaah, these are the memories we will treasure in following years :P I saw at least 3 models of the stroller I want - the one which is NOT SOLD IN NZ!! Sigh, we need to find someone in the states to post it out methinks! We left at 11:30am and K was in high spirits. Didn't do much for the rest of the day - a little napping, a little babywrangling and I mopped the downstairs floor as it was FILTHY. I reckon if I did it at night then my back can recover while I sleep. Tomorrow morning we have babygym. This means we are up, eating and bathed, watch the Wiggles then race up to the train, have the train trip there and back, kidlet thrashing himself to exhaustion in the babygym session (and taking me down with him hehe) and then the Plunket lady is coming to get me to sign the contract. I am going to be the new mothers coffee group host for the next 2 months. We will do this instead of mainly music - it's a shorter walk, and they pay me - works for me :) K has a number of cute habits, one of the cuter ones is where he plays a little game with me called Little Ghost where he snabbles one of my sarongs and runs around the house with it over his head, pretending he is a ghost. He thinks this is the best game ever haha. He also likes to pat my tummy - but shrieks and leaps away if Cameron pats back :P Good times haha. Tuesday is our day off and I will take K to the Glendale Road Park by the library and let him run cos, boy, does he need it!!
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