Fatherhood has changed Chris - and the years of parenting Kieran have changed the way Chris is a father. Before, any report of unusual spots or lethargy in his son would be examined immediately and in minute detail. This morning however, when I reported that Kieran had flushed cheeks and strange red spots all over his body, did Chris dash downstairs to check out the situation? He did not. It was more of a slow amble... and to think I spent 15 minutes putting those flushed cheeks and spots on little Mr K. Yes, since you ask, we
did do some colouring in this morning haha :) As you may have guessed it was Chris's morning to sleep in. On the education front K can count to 10 and knows his entire alphabet - but he can't say the letter W. He adores anything that involves letters or numbers - good times :)
This afternoon we are off to Bryony and Helen's for a bbq and an evening of Cranium. There will be romping with Rabbit the dog, and feasting on yummy food and prancing about as we act like idiots. All in all, a perfect saturday night.
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