On Sunday he decided that he preferred to leap around the bed like a monkey on crack - despite being incredibly tired. Normally this would be only mildly annoying but I was supposed to head out to a TCANZ meeting - as the oh so wonderful minuter haha - and so time ticking on began to stress Chris and I. I eventually contacted Steve and was added into the meeting via Skype. This was a Good Thing as the kidlet went down at 1:30 and the meeting started at 2! Much merriment ensued and at 3:15 I logged off and stared at the minutes. I have to admit that, coming fresh from typing up the Plunket minutes, I felt no inclination at all to type them up :) Does that make me a bad person ;) I headed downstairs in search of my husband - as I had ascertained that my child was lying on his bed for all the world like a dead cockroach (legs propped on the wall, arms akimbo) but could not find him. After a moment of searching for him I found him lazing about on the bed. With the cat. Ai ai ai. I whipped downstairs and hung out a load of washing. Chris has a sweetly naive belief that washing fairies infest our house..... They do not. We headed out shopping where the need for a whip and leash for K became sadly apparent. Once home we initiated the new time out routine. K has an unfortunate habit of running after Bandit and either bodyslamming him (only works when B taken by surprise), tugging on his tail, or dragging him around by a paw. The cat has been more than gracious but has taken to growling, lightly biting K, and finally on the weekend scratching him. None of these, or our exhortations to treat Bandit gently and our gentle explanations of how Bandit is only little, have deterred K. He experienced timeout on the naughty step 3x! In 10 minutes! Between tears (not mine!) I watched Chris prepare dinner hehehe. This cooking on the weekend lark is good fun. Well, it is for me anyway. After the wee one succumbed to sleep I did a little minuting then headed off to bed. On Monday I could not be arsed heading to Playgroup. K did not provide us with a restful night and I felt knackered. Instead we headed up to the library and I did some calling around for Plunket. I sourced some fish for dinner - astounded as always by the price - $29/kg for Gurnard! I just ask for $8 worth each time and try not to cringe at how little there seems to be. Today was a bit of a 'mare. K behaved beautifully right up until he was being settle down for his nap at noon. At 2:25 he finally succumbed to sleep, leaving me pacing around the room and muttering evilly to myself. I destressed by frantically typing minutes, calling around for bits and pieces and imagining how good alcohol would taste! So of course K only wakes up at 4.... has a late dinner, then throws a LARGE glass of juice all over the futon so I have to strip all the bedding from that - this when guests are literally walking towards the door (I was incandescent with rage and had to practise some breathing techniques), has a bath at 7:30, and finally slides into sleep at 9pm. Which is why I am typing this then heading to bed. After all, tomorrow is another hot, sticky 30 minute walk to Mainly Music and then the long slog home.... sigh. The things I do for the wee scrog!! At least the minutes are done however - this is something that always makes me happy!
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