Saturday was a blast! Good food, good company and the chance to lurch around howling like a wolf or moaning like a plague of zombies. On sunday we had a quiet relaxing day haha. We needed it after the late night of saturday. On monday I dashedup the hill at 7:30am so that I could do my glucose challenge test. The last time I did it I was instructed to stay in the office for the hour. New company, new rules apparently. I was told to go away and come back in 45 minutes. I trotted off home and got ready for babygym. Chris then dropped me off at the lab while he and K bonded over a chocolate brownie. Tests were done and I was out of there. K was passed over into my loving care, and Chris headed off to work while I headed off to babygym on the train. As usual K had a blast and, as usual, I forgot my camera! His favourite activity this week was the beam. He was on it half the session. Little paw clenching mine as he walks the length of the beam, then descends, grasps my hand again and ascends the heights again, and again, and again! That evening was the Allie Mooney fundraising session which went really well!! Tuesday K and I stayed home. Why, you ask? On Monday night K decided to make
my life a living hell by not settling to sleep - we will be spending the rest of the nights this week nipping this behaviour in the bud, as I need more than 3.5 hours of sleep a night! We also had a house inspection on wednesday morning and I NEEDED to clean. Boy, did I ever! I had the bathroom and toilet floors scrubbed, the bath and shower scrubbed out, mirrors cleaned, tiles mopped, floors vacummned, rooms picked up including the hellhole that is Chris' lair, K 's room reorganised and the kitchen scrubbed to within an inch of its life. Chris cleaned the toilet. Last night I was up 4 or 5 times - memory dims when one has had very LITTLE SLEEP. However the house was presentable when I left for the new mothers group that I run. All was going swimmingly until K pulled the tall bookshelf full of toys down upon himself. There was a sickening moment when I saw the bookcase tip, shelves and toys cascading down and realised K was under there, cos he was nowhere else in the room. Not a scratch. Not even a bruise. He was standing in the one spot that protected him from the deluge. I hope to god adrenaline is good for babies because Cameron got a massive dose today!!! After everything was tidied up and I staggered home with K and got him down for his nap I got to sit and think about it. Damn, but it was scary!! He didn't bat an eyelash after a wee bit of cry - more from the sound and fury of it all, rather than any pain I think! Chris is going in on saturday to break down the bookcase so no one else is tempted to use it.
And tomorrow - coffeegroup is at my place ;)
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