We headed off to Jen's birthday brunch with Mr Sleepy. Why was he sleepy at 11am? Isn't everyone when they have risen at 5am!!! Oy vey. That morning I tried out a crumpet recipe I found online and soon realised two things. One, the author was an idiot who left ingredients out of the ingredient list - and then casually mentions them in the body of the recipe, and two -the cretinous author has no idea how to write a recipe and it drove me crazy. The crumpets weren't even that great after all that palaver!! K did enjoy the brunch though - looking at fish and pigeons and having a whale of a time. I then took part in the SKYPE meeting and started on the minutes (which I only finished at 11pm last night, naughty me!). On Monday however Chris had to stay home as he was feeling very ill indeed. K and I amused ourselves as we would normally and that afternoon we headed out to Henderson as Chris had forgotten to get the WOF done on Sunday - woops! I seized the opportunity to try out K's new lion toddler harness and we hit the Warehouse, looking for gumboots. I also bought a couple of tops -they were too cute to resist! Afterwards we went and played in the playground by Farmers. K had a ball. And, even better, the car got the WOF!! Yay!! Today I took K up to the library, where one of the librarians was having a rotten day, which she generously shared with me. Curse pregnancy hormones!! I walked out of there with K, in tears. I took K down to the Glendale playground and he had a blast. It was so nice and sunny, and he ran around on the grass, dug in the sand and played on the slide. Once home he was more than happy to slide into bed. We had gone out late as I was washing clothes and baking bread hehe. I also booked Bandit in for his checkup to make sure the gums are healing, and am trying to sort a carseat that will fit the dimensions that AirNZ has- ours is too large and spacious! I am so very tired though, that I head off for a nap!
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