I took K along to babygym today. It is the last session until they start up again in mid April. Everything was going well - beam walking, trampoline leaping etc, and he was having a blast until they inflated a bouncy castle. Every other child shrieked with delight and raced towards it. My boy shrieked in terror, clung to me limpet like and filled his pants due to the ferocity of his meltdown.... Good times. He did settle down eventually - thank god!! Rache came in and said hi to the others before we hoppd in the car and headed off to the Plunket car hire place. She is such a legend!! The carseat was duly procured (way lighter than ours!!) and we headed home. I had to threaten no milk to keep K awake as he was shattered after the morning's excitement. He slept quite well - an hour and a half - and then we headed off downstairs. He was a grizzly, grumpy monster - hunger has that effect on him - so I scrambled us 2 eggs and plonked him on my lap to "share". He ate it all, and a home made roll to boot. This was excellent. I then noted that a package from England had arrived filled with goodies - thanks Dad :) K is always interested in the mail, and persists in the belief that everything that comes to the house is for his perusal. Sadly, he ate very little dinner tonight... oh well!! I prepped the fixings for dinner on the counter (toad in the hole as per Chris's request) and headed out to the garden to try and find Bandit. I wanted to lure him inside, as Chris was due home in 5 mins and I needed to cage the fiend so he was ready to go. I lured the cat onto the bbq where he got the brushing of his life then looked into the house. I was initially startled (then horrified) to see K standing in billowing white clouds. That would have been the seasoned flour mixture for dinner. Snarling to myself, and making my way across the (now filthy!!) floor I noted that he had a death grip on the (now cracked) egg. I retrieved said egg, and sent him outside to count the number of balls scattered across the grass (5). I swiftly bundled the unsuspecting cat into his carrier and plonked it down by the door before I began to try and clean the flour off the floors, walls and counters. At this fortuitious moment Chris walked in the door. I loaded the cat in the car before he had a chance to drop his bag on the floor :) and off they went to the vets. Bandit is in fine fettle apparently which is all good. Tomorrow I fly down to Wellington, with Chris flying 3 hours after me. I am wondering if I need the wheelchair as the new carseat is a LOT lighter than ours. I do want to hit the Warehouse and buy K a little Easter set of Disney Cars melamine plate, cup etc with easter eggs. They are only $20. And he would LOVE it.
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