On thursday K and I headed out to meet the coffeegroup girls at Henderson Park. We headed in a little early as Chris had tasked me with buying some groceries. Naturally the train was over 10 minutes late. Once in Henderson I hotfooted it into the mall, raced around like a maniac for groceries and sprinted off to Henderson Park. I was planning on being there at 9:50 and dragged my sweaty ass into the park surrounds at 10:10 which will give you an indication of just how well I was doing timewise. The kids had a great time at the park and my camera battery died as I tried to take pics of K romping around...sigh. We headed home, had a nap and had a good time in the local park later that afternoon. On friday I took K up to the library for the Wriggle and Rhyme program, where I shamelessly plugged the Wednesday coffee group that I am being paid to run :P. On Friday night I made the mature and reasoned decision to leave Chris..... and to sleep in K's room Thursday-Sunday nights. Why? Because K is going cold turkey on having bottles of milk at night. He pushed the boundaries too far alas. Just like his wanting many warmed bottles of milk - causing the great "it's cold or nothing baby" decision his greed has tipped into disaster. So thursday night was actually ok. There was a bit of chittering but K was willing to forgive me for one night's forgetfulness. The tantrums really started Friday night. Kicking, screaming, thrashing, the hurling of the bottle of water to the floor. You name it we experienced it. I say we, but Chris was forbidden to come anywhere the room. This is the last night I will be spending in there, and hopefully K has come to a resigned acceptance of the new status quo. One thing it has done is totally stuffed his day sleeps. He would normally enjoy some milk and peacefully slide into sleep. Now we have agonised weeping until he passes out from the effort. Sigh. It's all such a big deal at that age!! Tomorrow we see the midwife and I will ask her re the sciatic physio referral and the obs referral as I would have thought to have heard from either of these people by now. I also need to look at tickets for Chris to fly to Wgtn for Easter. K and I changed our tickets when it was decided to have K stay home with his daddy rather than head off to Wgtn and Palmerston North for my contact course. Naturally Chris completely forgot about the ticket situation, and now, 3 weeks out from Easter, is faced with a bit of a dilemma - whether to stay or go..... decisions, decisions :) Yeah, he's going. Not much of a dilemma really haha
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