Today has been pretty awesome if I do say so myself. I awoke to the gentle burbling of my infant son at 7am. Yes, today I was able to sleep a whole HOUR later. I was very impressed - and thankful! The boy was fed, amused and showered by 9 and then I set out in the pouring rain to my weekly vitamin D apppointment. As lithe as a panther I sprang into Leviathan... with my library books cos, hell, the weather looked rubbish enough that I didn't fancy my chances taking the stroller out this afternoon. I popped into the library on the way there, then headed off to the appointment where they - shock, horror - drew blood and gave me my MTA voucher :) We headed off to mainly music where K had a ball. He followed along with 3 of the songs and just had a fabulous time. Later that afternoon the weather cleared (of course!!) so I took K up to the library to collect a book waiting for him. Once back we danced to the Wiggles (aaah, those Wiggles!) then K sat in his high chair with his colouring in book and crayons. All in all it was a good day.
Tomorrow I am meeting Ruth at the zoo. Our eta is 9:45 which should allow us to miss most of the traffic, and allow us to see enough of the zoo before the kidlets have their nap. I am looking forward to it - K could use a good run!
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