Yesterday was wet and not particularly warm - dammit! It was Chris's turn for a sleep in and I was incredibly jealous as I hauled my wretched, expectorating carcass out of bed to retrieve McShrieker from the cot at 6:30am. Once K woke up from his nap we headed out to Palmers to get a Daphne plant. We got one already potted with heaps of buds on it. It is currently in front of the front door but I will drag it out back when I have a spare moment (haha). We have a house inspection due in the next 10 days so Chris got the usual option: A- clean the house to my satisfaction or B- babywrangle. After lunch I began to scrub out the bathroom. It was damn hard work as for some reason the bathroom gets muckiest fastest. I will work on the rest of the house each afternoon while K naps. Today's target is the lounge. If you came to my house you would believe it was inhabited by a troop of unhygienic baboons with an eating disorder. It would not cross anyone's mind that I actually sweep, mop and tidy up on a regular basis - all of it undone behind me by a cracker munching toddler tornado.
Today looks gorgeous - I will take K out after he wakes up to his favourite park then the library. At the moment he ius enjoying a shower - one much needed once I pulled off his nappy and shrieked in horror at what resided inside. Reading has commenced on the assignment - but I have also been reading a few other books as well. Next post I will give you my "I loved it" and my "it blows bears" book list :P
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