On friday K awoke and demanded immediate release from the prison of his cot. I asked Chris to give him a cuddle while I located my dressing gown. Chris wasn't superkeen until a little voice piped up "Hi Dadee". Suddenly, the praising and petting was all on. I admit, I entertained a dark thought or two towards the infant. Anyway, I got to have my sleep in today. At 6ish I heard stirrings from the crib-o-doom so popped out of bed and got a bottle. I was much aggrieved to hear that K then slept in to 8am after this snack!!! Unfair, unfair!! I so know that he will be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow when I am on baby duty!
We headed off to Jen's so that Chris could connect up her vcr and we could leave a sleeping baby with her while we SAW OUR FIRST MOVIE IN 2 YEARS! Yup, Ice Age 3 was awesome - booya!
I decided to make a cottage pie for dinner so we stopped in at the supermarket where K savaged the capsicum we bought as part of the cottage pie fixings. He gnawed several large holes in it - the dear little lad. He does just love his capsicum! Got home and entertained the wee weasel - who finally ate a decent meal for the first time in 2 days. Must have been that illicit capsicum :)
Tomorrow I get to tool the truck around the roads - be afraid all ye who drive in west auckland, be very afraid!
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