The morning got off to a slow start. K felt it was more important to watch Little Einsteins that to eat his lovely weetbix. We were therefore running a little later than I would have liked by the time I spooned the last remnants into his gaping maw (2 weetbix! yay for fibre!). I then had to bustle the wee beastie into the shower where his happy carolling hinted that he might be some time. I was pacing the floor like an expectant father at this point, pausing only to thrust a toothbrush into the showerstall for the miscreant to "brush brush brush". I had K all prepped for our train trip into Henderson when it started to rain. A quick glance at the train timetable revealed that if I wanted to do all the things I had planned I would have to drive.
That was my first mistake.
We whistled into Henderson and I decided to park in Henderson Park so K could stretch his legs, check out the river and see some differents sights for a change. I also decided to take the bag of 12 library books and a golf umbrella.
That was my second mistake.
Alternately chivvying my son along the gravel paths and hoiking him up in my arms (along with the books and umbrella) when he tried to dive into puddles or bolt back along the path I became hot and flustered in short order. I exited the path, then sank into boggy grass up to my ankles. I performed a reasonable facsimile of a St Vitus' dance as I tried to free myself (and the child, and library books, and &#$! umbrella) from the morass. I must add that at this point the threatening clouds (the only reason I had brought along that thrice damned umbrella) had vanished and the sun was beating down on my unprotected head. Gaining the road I shrieked in horror to see that the zebra crossing I had been relying on had been eradicated at some point in the last 2 years. I struggled manfully up the hill, carrying my increasingly heavy burden, then navigated my way among some roadworks as I strove to avoid a vehicular collision. Relief in my eyes, I staggered towards Knitworld, my first port of call, and nigh wept to see they only opened at 10am. The time: 9:35am. Cursing the lazy owners of wool shops, I dragged my sorry carcass off to the library. By the time I reached its shadowed portals I understood how men seeing an oasis after traversing the desert felt. Embracing my inner bad mother I dumped K onto the ground as soon as we entered and told him to "Run, and be free" while I dropped off the books. We noodled about there for 20 minutes before I whisked K off to the play area in the mall. He loved it. I have never seen such happiness on his face. The play area began to fill up with older kids and I reluctantly picked up my heffalump, and umbrella, and departed for Knitworld. Aaaaiee the journey shook me to my core but we eventually reached the (now open) wool vendor. I transacted my business and tried to retrieve the child from the play area. He hid at the far end, and would not come near my questing claws - even when a piece of birdseed bar was held temptingly close. 10 minutes later we left the store, and finally headed for the car. K got to walk all of Henderson Park, and pat a dog on the way, to the car. He only got to do this as I literally could not carry him for longer than a minute at a time. As we walked along Wilshire Crescent The Leviathan seemed shrouded in an aura of golden light, with the music of angels washing over it. Or that might have been my bladder informing me that we needed to get home - fast! We certainly did. It was now 11:20am and K had had a big morning. He napped and I, fool that I am, reorganised the pantry. I had done most of it and was feeling fairly proud of my efforts. I gazed at the filthy kitchen floor and decided it needed a sweep. It is a little known fact that South Africans must smash something whenever they sweep floors. Accordingly I flung a glass jar of cinnamon sugar to the floor. And spent the next 20 minutes ensuring that K would not resemble a porcupine when he awoke and ventured into the killing field, I mean, the kitchen. Once K awoke I took him off to the library and vege store in his stroller. I had to stop 3x on the way up the hill to rest my pain-wracked arms. Seriously, ouch! However, he loved the library and had the usual wonderful time there. At the vege store I purchased some capsicums (fibre), show peas (fibre) and fruit (fibre). K managed to eat a third of a capsicicum by the time we got home. I was very impressed (fibre, yay!!)
Ans now the weaselpuff is in bed, and I am waiting for my mum to come online for a chat. I get to sleep in tomorrow and, boy, am I looking forward to it!!
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