The TERROR, the HORROR. Just as we returned to our abode, I lept upon the accelerator rather than the brake, launching the truck like a greyhound towards the gargae door. The girlish squeal from Chris, sitting in the passenger's seat and the footprint he left imprinted on the floor is a testament to the fear we all felt. Before he could grab the handbrake and attempt to bring us sfely to a halt I was through the garage door, quel horreur. Actually I managed to stop at the last second and watched as my very restrained husband, climbed out of the car and opened the door, without once resorting to swearing.
........ As you can see this is Chris's fanciful guest blog. I won't deny that the garage door approached a little faster than one would have liked, but K and I relaxed laughing back in the car while Chris cowered out of the car and through the front door. I do think that dropping down and kissing the floor was uncalled for though!
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