Let's see, what have I been up to this week (all 2 days of it!). On Sunday K was still wickedly constipated - despite my efforts to scare the cr*p out of him :P. Half jokingly I suggested to Chris that we slip some prune juice into one of his nightime bottles of milk. Later that night as K shrieked his wrath into the uncaring night Chris turned to me and hissed venomously - DID YOU PUT PRUNE JUICE IN THE MILK?! Um NO, the little fiend is just too lazy to hunt thoroughly for the bottle next to his head! We visited Plunket on Monday morning where K was weighed at 13.45kg's - what a porker! We couldn't go to Oratie playgrpoup due to the Plunket appointment so I took K to the library where he had a fine old time. Kym came around on Monday afternoon and brought iceblocks and citrus fruit. She brought over Kieran's first iceblock - a lemomade one chosen by Alex. K scarfed it down but kept swapping it for the strawberry one I was eating.... hehe. It was very cute. I was however thoroughly scolded by Bandit afterwards for allowing strange boys into the house afterwards :P After slipping the kid lots of prune juice - always forcefully rejected after 1 sip, hoping that a myriad of small sips would have an impact on his blocked digestive tract I gave up. Of course, this was the moment that Mr I-dont-want-to-eat-cos-I-am-teething decided to regain his appetite. He feasted on apple, kiwifruit, carrots and cheese last night. Chris almost wet himself laughing when he saw the remains on the high chair tray. To my delight K ate 2 weetbix this morning, thrilling me to the core. As a reward I took him to the playground by the library. He had a wonderful time playing there, especially as another child was there. They played like maniacs - for almost an hour. K then dramatically flung himself to the ground and shrieked his wrath at the sky - our special signal that it's time to go home -we are so, so special :) I had planned to head into the library, and the mad butcher after the playground session, but took K home instead.... where he revived and galloped around the house for another 45 minutes. As a form of vengeance I brushed his hair while he sat on my knee watching the Wiggles... it seemed to lend itself to a topknot, and the camera was close by and poor Kieran is now on Facebook looking all girly :) Eventually I shuffled him off to sleep, and worked on my assignment. Naturally the weather then packed in - aaargh - but I did manage to bolt up to the library and the mad butcher. I also picked up some clothes for K - 16 items all in good condition :)
Tomorrow I have my Vid D appointment and mainly music. If the weather is good I will get Chris to drop me off with K and the stroller. If the weather sucks I will drive down. I wonder if the truck will survive.....
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