Yesterday was a hell mission. K wanted to saunter about the house and not eat his breakfast. I, well aware that we needed to be at playgroup by 9, was getting pretty stroppy with him. I eventually got breakfast into him at 8:30, bundled him into the shower at 8:40 and we were in Leviathan by 9:05. K had a wonderful time there. In fact, he had such a great time that we only left at 11:45. He didn't fall asleep in the car, he didn't fall asleep until 1pm!! Aaaargh. As soon as he woke up I popped him into the stroller and took him up to the library to drop off some books. On our way home we saw the first crop of Barnea Circle ducklings. K was enraptured. So was Bandit!
We headed up to the library this morning and K had fun running about and playing with the big white bear etc. It was only after I dealt with the Nappy from Hell and put K down for his nap that I remembered I was going over to Number 8 for a morning playdate. Oh well. I wasn't much in the mood for a playdate anyway as I have had a splitting headache since this morning that just will not go away. Maybe later this afternoon.... cross fingers.
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