Well, Chris is still sick and is talking about seeing a Dr for some antibiotics. K is 3 for 3 in the poos in toilet stakes and my nights have been a living hell. Both boys have been running a fever and the upshot of K's dr appointment was "unspecific virus". In fact, our appointment was so late we met Chris coming into the Dr for his apptmt - and he trotted out with antihistamines, antibiotics and some hope that the pain would begin to fade lol. Which it has, praise be! K was thrilled that daddy was at the Dr's and scampered busily about - the very picture of an ill child head:desk. Neither of them present as obviously ill, more's the pity so I always get the sceptical looks before temps are taken.... then there is a change in 'tude, let me tell you :). I have been busy busy busy this week trying to get on top of the housework again as it slipped while I was ill - odd that! I spoke to K's kindy re another long session and the kindy is full up so another session seems likely only at the end of the year. This is ok, as we are close to year end anyway and K is enjoying his sessions. Cameron is a little sweetheart, even if he has been a sad, feverish little bear! Both boys have dropped off to sleep accidentally through the week, and C has been popping TWO naps into his day - definitely sick!! In addition to sleepy, feverish little boys I have been doing meetings/minutings which means that my evenings are chocka as I try and get everything typed up. K was quite excited that we were driving into Daddy's work to look at the sky scrapers lol. Nights have also had their element of excitement....really exciting as Cameron vomited all over his bed, bedding and self Thursday night so there was a lot of scurrying about by his parents, and hell night as I awakened at the slightest noise, fearing more vomiting. Friday then became rather interesting. Dropping to my knees I gave thanks to the weather gods for giving me a hot sunny day and knocked out 4 loads of washing. Vive le clothesline! I called to cancel Playcentre - boo (including that evening's AGM). K could have gone but I could not go with him, as I predicted that young master C would have an early nap. Sure enough he went down for 2.5 hours at 11. K decided that he wanted to make some biscuits. C was very excited to watch the mixing part of the process and happily licked sugar/butter mix off the beater, before pointing at the bottle in a meaningful fashion. Quite insistently I may add! After running about hanging out clothes, and washing clothes, baking bread and putting biscuits in to bake, I turned around and poor K was asleep on the couch. Literally 5 minutes later C awoke, merry as a grig. And then poor K woke up, and wet himself... too much water before his unplanned nap, poor boy. However he has done SO WELL using the toilet - my little champ. And then, since the weather was so nice I dragged the boys out in the stroller... we dropped C's miniscule sample of wee off at Medlabs (Dr's want to check if he has a urinary infection), posted letters and banked cheque, dropped into library, stopped at the 4square and picked up yeast etc and then strolled on to Nakita's. K adores visits to Nakita, and since she is ready to pop I thought we should seize the moment! We left at 4:30 and came home via the library playground where my boys cavorted in the slide and had a blast. We dashed in the door at 5:25 as the sun began to sink under the horizon and I sprang into action to get dinner sorted. It was a fabulous day.
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