Despite not having breastfed for 4 weeks I think I may have a blocked milk duct... so tucked a cabbage leaf into my bra. No joke, it does work! Decided to accessorise the cabbage with giraffe earrings and drove K to kindy. C was devastated that we didn't take the stroller. I announced we were off to kindy and he dashed over to the stroller and tried to climb in over the side... an exercise doomed to failure as he's not tall enough.. thus the devastation. As I have only 40% lung capacity back I wasn't! On Monday Emma was going to come and visit. TYPICALLY I succumbed to some stupid 24 hour virus and spent all morning and most of monday afternoon asleep while my poor frazzled, also sick, hubby stayed home from work. The herculean task of minding the boys was enough to doom the poor man. Despite dragging himself into work on tuesday he was banished home by his manager. And on wednesday he hardly left his bed. Luckily I was able to struggle on after my massive snoozathon on Monday. It helped that Tuesday was K's long kindy session too! Happily I now just have a deep hacking cough to ensure I don't indulge too much in the drug known as "sleep". After kindy today I took the boys to Nakita's for a quick visit. K loves visiting Nakita and had a blast. However it did mean that C was desperate for his nap when we got home. I dashed inside, rustled up a bottle and C bolted up the stairs... he was asleep in under 6 minutes lol. While he was succumbing to Morpheus's song I heard K pad quickly up the stairs and into the toilet, follwed by hand washing. He does very well with wee in the toilet, and we have promised him an ice cream for every poo in the toilet. Today, he delivered! I was thrilled and called Chris at work so his son could relate the thrilling details.... there were 4! It went SPLASH SPLASH etc. Heeheehee. K is interested in learning to read. As tomorrow is payday I am going to check out some learning to read/preschool prep books at the local $2 shops and get him a few. I pulled out the easel and chalks and the boys and loving it. C especially loves K being at Kindy as he gets to happily draw without interruptions lol. Just finished reading Patricia C Wrede's latest - is the sequal to 13th child and it is the awesomesauce! Cameron only summoned me to the bedroom at 5am today - normally this is around midnight or 2am so I was thrilled. I would have been more thrilled had I been able to sleep - deep hacking coughs kept me awake much of the night sob sob. Scrubbed out the bathroom and toilet while Cameronbear splashed in the tub this morning, so you can imagine my angst when K ran upstairs saying he had wee'd... I sent him into the bathroom - tiled floors rather than carpet - and went downstairs to mop up. No wee. Came back into the bathroom and K's wide eyes stared at me as a puddle of wee circled his feet. It was my fault for telling him to stay put I guess, he did try to exit the bathroom, but I had visions of wee footprints across the carpet and chided him sternly. Sigh. Then Cameronbear launched himself at his potty as I unrobed his nethers to deal with a real stinker of a nappy. The bathroom tiles, and a towel, took yet another hit for the team. I squalled like a Siamese in a rainstorm, and sulkily cleaned the floor again while K lolled in the bath and C hopped up and down like a deranged baboon - teething almost always means a blistered bottom for Cbear... and yowsa, today's was a beaut. It was no surprise that the warm water was anathema to his blazing bottom!
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