Today dawned bright and sunny and I leapt into action.... by the time 8:20 rolled around I had done a load of washing and hung it out, fed and dressed the boys, washed the dishes and we were ready to hit the road. K was dropped at kindy at 8:35 and C and I headed home to wash the floors and move furniture for Kinect purposes. It took freaking ages! Sadly, just as I got the floor by the door washed, C crawled in, paws muddy from where he had been busily digging up a pot. Within seconds the clean floor devolved into a sea of mud.... he was booted back out into the sunshine with his toys (and the doors shut this time) while I got back down on my knees and scrubbed the floor clean.... again! Luckily I had Les Mis blasting away so grumpy howls from outside didn't distract me... after all, Bandit has a perfectly good catdoor, and doesn't need the garden door open 24/7 lol. At 11:30 C pounded on my legs and shrieked like a bansidhe... his signal that he is tired and wants to sleep. I had NO CHOICE (dang it) but to collect K early from kindy. He had baked a scone and nestled it against his chest for the ride home. You should have heard the shrieks when he ate it all, and didn't share any with his baby brother. Yowsa. C was promptly tucked into bed and was asleep by 12:30.... and slept for 2 hours - nice! K stampeded up the stairs and delivered his first poo into the toilet. Much fuss was made and congratulations proffered :) Isabelle and her brood came over around 3ish - finding us at the playground, and we then had our kinect playdate... C then topped off the day by walking 5 steps - all by himself! Proud mummy moment :) The boys have been playing together so nicely recently, although this devolves on K's part in the evenings... You can definitely tell which child had the nap - that's for sure!
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