Making the bed has always been something that the cat enjoyed... mightily! Now the boys have realised that writhing about in/on fresh bedding while your parents flap the sheets above and over you is a good thing too lol. The mink blanket that went on this week features a shark and the boys enjoyed pretending to be minnows being chased by 2 large sharks lol. I have also been creating 2 photobooks for the boys in my copious free time lol. They are being done via Snapfish, and I will be collecting the albums from KMart next friday. K has been invited to two birthday parties this fortnight - Lenka from Playcentre/Kindy next saturday, and Esteban's party - at 10 pin bowling in Henderson - on sunday. It is all very exciting for K! We had to dash out and buy a NZ Rugby ball as the perfect 5th birthday present for Esteban. Chris finally got the last part of his root canal done on friday - yeehaa. But boo, alas another tooth needs some work. Once the car is sold both Chris and Bandit can have some work done on their teeth lol. Today is a gorgeous sunny day and much merriment has ensued!
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