OMG I am going stircrazy. Ages ago I had sent in our details for Working for Families. Hadn't heard any more from them, so after prompting from mum called them up. I had forgotten that we had decided to be paid annually! It was pretty awesome tho, and paid for the cats teeth removal, Chris final part of the root canal and Kieran's swimming lessons. I have signed him up for Saturday classes starting October 29th. K is very very excited. Sickness has plagued Chez Seal recently, resulting in K getting a blood test to ensure nothing was wrong. But it just turned ot to be this awful flu! To cheer up my morose boys I made a special treat of pastry scraps and ferrer rocher chocolates. The boys LOVED them!!! Lazybum refuses to walk on our hard tiled floors, instead he saunters, jogs and even runs on the trampoline - funny little boy! Chris and I took the boys to Ceramco Park the other day, and C got to go on the flying fox for the first time (held securely in his father's arms I hasten to add) - and he LOVED it. The boys play together more, and incite each other into mischief - grrrr. And, bonus, C is now consistently sleeping through the night...until he has another tooth coming thru - cos then it's all over rover!
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