BOO to daylight savings I say!!! I sauntered into the bedroom last night and told Chris that I was going to change the clocks. "No, it's on SUNDAY!" came his emphatic bellow. Shrugging my shoulders at the vagaries of men, I let it go. Oddly enough, Chris was caught by surprise this Sunday morning lol. We dashed out to Lincoln Rd as Esteban was having his 5th birthday party at 10 pin bowling. K was very excited - never having been before. He thoroughly enjoyed it and we may go along on another Sunday morning and have a play. Yesterday, in the glory of the sunshine we bundled the boys into the car and headed out to New Lynn for the FREE Moon Festival. It was great. It was FREE! And did I mentioned, FREE. There was a teacup ride, a pirate ship ride, colouring in, and a bouncy castle.... all FREEEEEE :) K loved it, and (proud mummy moment here) he went on the pirate ship ride all by himself! I was so proud. We watched chinese dragons, and Foo dogs and drumming and stilt walkers and dragged outselves away at ten to 5.... K protesting vigourously the whole way home. Yup, he enjoyed himself!
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