He's been missed....he'd been home 30 minutes and the house was a tip..... I heard him arrive but was tucked between 2 snoring boys. After 20 minutes or so I extricated myself and dashed downstairs to see my sweetie. Moments later a matey bellow echoed from the top of the stairs where Cameron announced that he'd like to be carried down to see his daddy, if you please mummy!! C was extremely pleased to see Chris, even more so when the fascinating suitcase was opened and clothes tossed in a heap on the floor. C surfed the laundry like a pro! But once more exciting items were pulled out his attention was diverted... and this was when K tiptoed down the stairs and dashed over to his father for a cuddle. Excitement ensued, Cars themed Duplo was sighted and swooned over, then fought over, bags were caressed, Gap hats were worn, clothes oohed over and then breakfast was eaten and we headed out to Playcentre, leaving Chris to get back into the groove of things (ie play games on his pc lol). Once at Playcentre we found K's lost bag...one of the Playcentre girls had found it on the road by PC, recognised it and brought it back - yay!! Now C can use it while K has a spanking new Cars bag. Sadly, the recently purchased Spiderman bag will have to wait in the wings until needed again. Once home the boys cavorted around their father until he had a nap... then we woke him as I was heading out to a PC meeting at 5:30 and we were planning for Chris to stay up with the boys and get then to bed.... well, Chris was asleep at 4, and the boys had to come with me. They didn't appreciate the break in routine, were grumpy as hell, and tired to boot. I was very grateful to get home at 7:30!!
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