Winter is over!!! And Spring is here, complete with Spring showers :) However, we did venture out of the house - kindy after all, and a trip to the playground was also attempted. K and C were in high spirits which was all to the good. They are greatly anticipating their father's return tomorrow morning. The dual ear infections have cleared up nicely and sleep is settling into a recognisable pattern. Poor K had nightmare tonight though, he woke every 40 minutes or so with shrieks - which his brother happily ignored lol. Eventually I pulled him out of bed and had a cuddle in our bed as I investigated the cause.... apparently he had been having nightmares about "mummy putting the puzzles away".... hmmmm. I told him if he had a bad dream to come to see me rather than shrieking in bed and tucked him back in after a long cuddle. 10 minutes later a Lightning McQueen pyjama'd figure dashes weeping into the bedroom. I was a little surprised, especially as he recounted his nightmare of his teeth falling down his throat. Lol. More reassurances, and he slept fairly well (very excited to see his daddy) after that.... naturally he slept in the following morning hahaha.
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