The weather was gorgeous on Friday. K and I had an at home day where I did 3 loads of washing, baked bread, read stories, drew pictures, went to the local playground and had a nice relaxing day. We even popped off to the playground again that afternoon. The only downside to the day? Chris having the car battery die on him that morning. As I saw the car sitting there, silent and unmoving, I flung my paws in the air and wailed my angst to the skies. Well, if you want to get technical it was the ceiling ;) Why? Because the cost of the new battery meant that I could not go out and buy a new top for Chris's graduation and the photo session that followed. Sniff. Sniff, sniff. I also tried on the bag of clothes that Rache lent me - and there was nothing there that looked good with the bump. Dangnabbit. So on saturday morning - instead of volunteering at the Oratia Farmers Market for Plunket - Chris, Kieran and I walked up the hill to the train station and caught the train to New Lynn. We then hiked off to Repco in intermittent showers and purchased a battery. At this point K was retrieved from the stroller and the battery sited in his place. K made this a lot easier (not!) by deciding that walking was for peasants and insisting on his father carrying him. We then headed off to New World to do a quick shop for some urgent bits and pieces, then headed into Lynn Mall where K had a play in the kiddie area while Chris bolted off to lighting direct for bulbs for the bathroom. While bathing in the cool moonlight has its charms - it's not THAT charming :) We met Emma while I wrangled K towards the playground and were able to say a quick Hi! Then Chris dashed back, crying his notice that the train was due in 10 minutes and so we collected K, bought him a balloon octopus and galloped madly off to the station. While initially suspicious of the octopus K warmed up to the beast as we rode back to Glen Eden. Back in good old Glen Eden we headed into the library and the petstore. K is very fond of the pet store and thrilled to the sights of kittens, rabbits and rainbow lorikeets. Easily pleased works for me haha. We then trudged our weary way home with repeated cries of "Octopus, octopus, octopus!!" ringing in our ears. By the time we got home I realised that being 36 weeks preggers is harder that I remembered, and that I need to SLOW DOWN. That afternoon we headed out in the FIXED!! FIXED!! car and got the rest of the groceries. Then Chris made pasta with my able assistance and we tucked K into bed. I promptly threw myself into a bath and was in bed by 7:45pm. Tragic I know!! Today was lovely and sunny. Bandit woke us up by vomiting several times under our bed, finishing up with a final biscuity purge under the cot. Joy! After the morning snuggle with the Squeak we bustled about entertaining the child, and in my case frantically digging through all my stored clothes to try and find something to wear to Chris's graduation on Friday. I think I have found something that will work. It's not so flash, but hey, at this point I am desperate ;) We then headed out to Henry's to sign the PORSE contract. K had a ball. He fed toast to the 2 chickens and was encouraged to carry an egg inside. He carried it to me instead, luckily a mere 4 steps away. He then made free with the toy chest in the lounge and had a fantastic time. We headed home and tidied the house as Colin and Ros were coming over for lunch. They arrived bearing roast potatoes and a roast pork. I made a pumpkin pie - which turned out quite well. Maybe because Kieran helped with the spicing of the pie ;P After Colin and Ros left K cavorted in the playground with us and Bandit, enjoying the sunshine. He headed home and poor Chris looked at me in a tragic fashion as he staggered about like a zombie starved of brains. I packed him off upstairs and washed dishes, hung out laundry and made pizza dough for dinner while K played with his trains. I popped upstairs to check on Chris and he was sprawled out on the bed, fast asleep. K helped us make stars and moons from pizza dough as I got everyone's dinner out. K was also knackered, and fell asleep at 7pm - a far cry from his usual 8:30pm! Tomorrow is playgroup and then Tuesday is the first time K will be at Henry's. How exciting!!
What's a PORSE contract?