Isabelle came over with her 2 kids and K cavorted merrily. When they left he pleaded to go to the playground. This caused pandemonium as Isabelle's 2, still outside the door, decided that the playground was where they needed to be as well!! We ran the sass out of all 3 of them and I returned K to the domicile 20 minutes later with SOME of the sass run out of him! I made shepherds pie for dinner and it was tres yummy. Today was exciting! We collected the car - the car I CAN DRIVE!!!! Yes, I AM excited/thrilled/over the moon - why do you ask :P Chris headed into town on the train at 9am to catch the 10:08 train from town to Sylvia Park. I thought that having nearly 30 minutes between arrival at Britomart and the Southern train departure would be ample. Apparently not. The train stopped in the tunnels just before Britomart where Chris could not get off. After calling the lovely sellers and explaining the situation they kindly drove the car into town, met Chris at the University and he got home, in the pouring rain, at 12:30. Not a bad morning's work! I had spent the time packing up stuff, cleaning the bathroom, baking, doing a load of laundry and vacuuming under the bed (while K drew on the cot and windowsill with crayon - grrr!). After K's nap we headed out to MOTAT - as it was free for Waitakere residents. The rain had completely dried up and the sky was blue and clear. Perfect weather for dashing about MOTAT. We met up with Ruth and co. Finn chose to recline in his stroller and view the sights from there - he was in a chilling mood obviously. I still have a voucher so that Chris and Sue can take K again while I am in hospital. OMG!! K did not stop. He ran, he squealed, he shrieked his joy at seeing trucks and trains and cars and tractors. He leaped off haybales, investigated plasma balls, cranked levers and ran, ran, ran for the 2 hours we were there. There was a station there where you could make hot air balloons by cutting out the paper basket, then attaching it to a helium balloon. FREE!! I cut it out, took one look at the instructions and allocated the task to an engineer while I (literally) ran after a toddler for 10 minutes. I could not help but notice that Ruth, complete with miniature hot air balloon tied to her stroller, joined me at the Woolshed set where K was frisking through the straw, a good 6 minutes before the engineer arrived with his balloon in tow :P Chris and I feel quite fragile now - and definitely in need of our beds! K ate a HUGE dinner and was asleep by 7:30... a whole hour earlier than normal! Tomorrow I have planned.... nothing. It is our lazy day - and lord knows we need one!
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