We pored through our copy of the destitute gourmet before planning out the fortnight's menu. So far K has eaten 1 dinner out of 2. He wouldn't even look at Chris's delicious kebabs - and they were yummy! Yesterday we took K to Motat with the free voucher. Once again he loved MOTAT, actually weeping when Chris dragged him out the gates. We will go again when I am a little more capable of hunting down the wee squeak. Poor Chris had to race around after K and was absolutely knackered, with a sore back afterwards. Healing is going well, with me on panadol a mere 1x a day. Hopefully I can begin driving in the next fortnight and that will allow K to get out the house and not go stir crazy. Today was gorgeous and sunny and Colin and Ros came over with homemade bagels, salmon and cream cheese for brunch. It was super yummy and so appreciated.
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