Kieran is happy to see me home. He is also pleased that Baby!Baby! came with me. He is being very gentle with Cameron, and there is a lot of gentle stroking of the baby, counting his fingers and pointing out objects of interest (Head! Ear!). What he is not coping so well with is the lack of me picking him up. Bed and couch based cuddles just aren't the same. He is def enjoying having his daddy and Grammy around, although I suspect both of them will return to work looking forward to the relief from babywrangling :) Today K is at Henry's for the morning and we plan a baking session of "Man's!" also known as Gingerbread men this afternoon. A trip up to the library or the playground is also on the cards. I am chilling out this morning, as Cameron is being very good... eating and sleeping the way he is supposed to ;P
Yesterday we took K out for a walk to the playground in the drizzle. It was that or have all 3 of us go stir crazy. He ran us ragged - and we were mooching along at my invalid's pace too! Healing is going well, with a sharp twinge here and there reminding me not to overdo it.
Looks like we will do "The Mans"tomorrow morning with a potential trip to the library depending on the weather - Aaaah rain, sweet rain....
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