Monday playgroup went swimmingly! K had an absolute blast and slept fantastically well. Tuesday we had the PORSE session again, and once again my little munchkin raced out of the house Henrywards. Obviously this PORSE thing is working out great in terms of personality fit haha :)
Today is my second to last Plunket Coffee Group session - wow, everything will be coming to a screeching halt shortly! K is still asleep and it is nearly 8am!! It must be cos the morning has dawned dark and ominous. I fear rain shortly. Woe. I shall have to go in and wake him shortly as we have to leave the house by 9ish so I can take all my documentation into WINZ to apply for the childcare subsidy. No plans for this afternoon as I need to clean the house as coffeegroup is at my place tomorrow. Then tomorrow night is the Plunket meeting.... busy busy busy!!
Went into WINZ and discovered that Wednesday is the only day they open at 9:30am rather than 9am... typical!! However, they processed everything very quickly when I handed it over so that is good! Then I headed into the rooms to set up for the coffeegroup. I shifted the couches around to allow breastfeeding mothers the option NOT to be perved at through the door and found truckloads of papers and SKIP/PEPE material stashed all over the place. Methinks I need to speak with Suzie as the rooms are very quickly becoming a glorified storeroom for all this other literature - and that's not what they are there for! I was fair knackered by the time the session finished and I struggled home. In the POURING RAIN and WIND. Yup, winter's arrived :( K got home and wittered for his milk and bed and I obliged him. I am about to poour my drenched cold self into bed too. Mmmmm, bed!
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