Well, Friday went swimmingly. We were up at the crack of dawn so that Chris could attend the graduate champagne breakfast. I got showered and dressed and got little Squeak fed and dressed. Henry arrived 5 minutes early and K dashed from the house towards his car. I had to carry him back to the house to press the bottle of chocolate milk upon him. Once in the car he urged me to do up the carseat straps so that he could be off. I was pleased by this of course ... but what happened to those tears? We leapt into the car and headed into town at breakneck speed (haha...not! Gotta love Auckland traffic!) Once we finally got into town we hared off to the appropriate hill for the 9am procession.... and waited, and waited and waited. A mere 25 minutes after the scheduled start Auckland Uni's finest traipsed down the hill, the wail of bagpipes swirling through the air. I spotted Colin, Ros and Mike but couldn't spot Bryony before everyone whipped on past. I have never seen such a big smile on Chris' face as he sauntered down the hill. I had taken the precaution of standing on a bench so he could see where we were - after all, how many 37 week preggers women were likely to be there right? We then scurried off down the hill after the graduates and headed into the Town Hall for the graduation ceremony. Chris looked very somber as he strutted across the stage, and practically sprinted down the stairs on the other side. We amused ourselves for the 2 hours plus prior to this moment by looking through the service sheet and picking out the hard, or exceptionally long names, hoping to hear the Chancellor stumble over them. We were very impressed by the nimble manner in which he skimmed over some very tricky ones! BUT, CHRIS GRADUATED!!!! Anyway, they need to sell snacks before the start of the ceremony let me tell you! I was ravenous by the time we left, and forced Chris to take me to Wendy's :) I was then cruelly forced to walk up to Albert Park/University - puffing like a beached whale at high noon - before we headed off to collect Kieran. Kieran was not best pleased to be removed from Henry's where he was having a blast! Once home he was popped into bed for 40 minutes before we headed off to the photo shoot. Kieran was very well behaved there (for a 2 year old!) and this continued for the 2 hour drive home. TWO HOURS!! Trucks were pointed out to us, and we were urged to go "Faster! Faster!" We got home at 6:30 and my feet were so swollen that I could hardly get my boots off. I scarfed down some tea then headed across the road to babysit Madison and Esteban. On Saturday we headed off to the Cock and Bull as Joy was shouting us all a graduation lunch - which was very generous of her! We ran the sass out of the 3 boys in the playground prior to sitting down for lunch, and K had a blast... even if he did spend much of the time peering suspiciously at the twins. Nix brought down a big black sack of baby clothes (just the first 3 months worth as I requested) so that was excellent! We headed home where Chris prepared a delicious dinner of slow roasted pork belly, with roasted veges and creme brulee, and I made apple and blackberry pie. Very yummy! Today was mothers day and we watched my mothers day pressie from K- Planet 51 - with much hilarity ;) Chris made breakfast then headed upstairs to work on a postdoc application while I spent time with my son. I hung out the laundry and started some bread before I whisked him off to the local playground - sunny weather you know - which we left after a mere 15 minutes as a little boy had been sent to the playground by his father when he saw K and I going there. As we left I saw the father grudgingly leaving the house so he could supervise his child - who had begged me to pay attention to him, push him on the swings, listen to him sing etc etc the whole time I was there with K. Nice parenting skills there! I have begun sorting through the black sack of clothes and have washed some so that we are ready for action! Yeeha! This afternoon we are heading out Botany way to look at a car and then a playground session for K - to make up for this morning!
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