Today we headed out to babygym. K loves thursday because we pretty much eat breakfast, shower, dress, and flee the house for the train station. He LOVES trains. Just adores them. And on Thursdays he gets to ride on a train. TWICE!! And there is the baby gym session which he adores too. So he had a great morning. I on the other hand leapt out of bed, got bread on, got K fed (poorly) got dinner into slow cooker, kneaded the bread and set it out to rise, hung out the washing, showered and dressed self and K, and bolted out the house. It took ages to walk up the hill. It is actually really hard pushing just under 30kg's of baby and stroller up that steep hill when one is over 8 months pregnant. I need to win lotto so I can buy an automatic station wagon haha!! Once home K took over 2 hours to go to sleep. I was beside myself as my back pain had ebbed but not vanished and I wanted to lie down. Then after K woke up he was a horror. I was on the verge of throttling him when his father came home. Tomorrow we may stay home and visit Isabelle in the afternoon I think!!
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