Kieran had a fabulous day yesterday - it was the last one with his Grammy. We decorated the Gingerbread men, and K decanted chocolate buttons happily while the decorating proceeded - eating the fruits of our labours too - the little devil! We also went for a walk to the local park - but they were replacing the tiles on the base so K couldn't play. Alas!!! Sue flew home last night and is already missed by Mr K. He had such a great time with his Grammy! I have got to get driving as the more activities K can go to the happier he will be!! When it is just us at home he notices how much less attention he gets - and this saddens him. But he is so very good, and gives the baby cuddles when Cameron squeaks, and kisses and tries to play with him... although this generally involves driving toys over Cameron :)
I must sit down this weekend and work out a 2 week schedule of what we will do in morning afternoon blocks for the boys as hopefully that will help with the attention needs. The Porse sessions are a lifesaver too - as it means K can do something different, and Cameron gets some attention.
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