Chris arrived home at 4:10 with a very chastened Bandit. Who WOULDN'T look chastened when they had had to have 5 teeth removed!!! Yup, they knocked the wee beastie out for his tooth cleaning session and discovered that FIVE teeth had been left high and dry by receding gums, roots exposed to rot happily in the moist cavern of his mouth.... so out they came.... and so the vet bill increased. Indeed, to redeem our groggy wee puss, we had to pay the princely sum of $350 - not forgetting the moist cat food, and tins of tuna procured for the few days after the surgery! He was not allowed out the house until this morning and became shriller and more desperate sounding as the evening wore on. At 8pm Chris escorted him out to the garden where Bandit relieved himself of a mighty burden- and was quickly retrieved before getting too far up the fence... Desperate wails rang through the house again in the wee smalls, with Chris unlatching the cat door at 6am. No, not Kieran this time :P Naturally, now that Bandit has the freedom of the great outdoors he chooses to stay inside and snuggle on our bed....
I managed to sweet talk Chris into taking me to Farmers yesterday after all - and we got K 2 tracksuits, a long sleeved top, socks, a pair of pants and 2 pj's. Yup, that's what a 50% off sale and $85 buys you these days!!! Next pay I will go to the Warehouse and buy him some gumboots and 6 long sleeved tees. Hopefully that will hold him for the winter, as we need to buy some bits and pieces for Cameron yet!
Today, after the regalia fitting, we headed off to the Plunket rooms so that Chris could dismantle the bookshelf that fell onto Kieran. We got the safety gate detached and laid the shelf on its side. With a couple of wedges underneath to tilt it slightly backwards it will be as safe as houses. K had a wonderful time cavorting, playing with toys and supervising his father - much to his father's dismay!
I also managed to line up 2 potential PORSE people - ie a house where K will go 2 mornings a week so that he has "fun time" after Cameron arrives - and allows Cameron and I to have some 1:1 time (and hopefully a nap!). Both of them were happy to pick up and drop off K - this is not the norm - and we went out to visit the first yesterday and the second this afternoon. The first one had a better set up in terms of space but neither Chris nor I really warmed to her. K was fine - he hoed right in, played with the Beagles, ransacked the toy cupboard etc etc. But she made no effort to interact with him which worried me a little. The one we met today was just lovely. He showed K the sandpit, chickens and rabbits and his daughters were busy dragging K around to show off everything. K was as happy as a clam, and this guy interacted with K very well. Both Chris and I decided to go with him and turned to each other to say this when we got to the car. So I am thrilled that we have found someone that we are both happy for K to be with :) He will go there for 2 mornings a week - Tuesdays and Fridays from May onwards. And, it is $6 an hour so affordable- yay!! The 2 mornings work out at around $90 a fortnight - awesome when you consider the local daycare asks for $45 per full day, full days only and a minimum of 2 days a week! Who needs to spend $180 a week on childcare hmm ;)
Today - why yes, it has been a busy weekend so far, why do you ask :P - we headed out to get Chris fitted for his regalia. They are getting a bonnet especially made for him as none of the ones there fitted that brainy skull. They are also getting a longer gown in so we will return the one we carried away and swap it for something a little lengthier. It's so exciting - Chris graduating on May 7th!! Luckily Chris is driving in on the 12th - after the midwife appointment so he can get the new gown then.
What else is new.... um, tomorrow is Jen's birthday so we are off to brunch for that, then dropping the car off for the WOF. I have done my back in this morning and have been in agony all day. No position is comfortable - just degrees of painfullness - ouchies!