We had a busy week frantically making the most of the time before school holidays begin. Alas, the next 2 weeks stretch before us like a PORSE and activity free desert.... woe, woe. Due to K's incredible meltdowns we have amended our PORSE programme to have Henry pick K up to see if that changed his general glum demeanour and hysterics. Oh boy, did it ever. The boy skipped out to Henry's car with a twinkle in his eye and a song in his heart on both Tuesday and Thursday and had a wonderful 2 mornings. Henry and I were thrilled by this. We have now arranged that Henry will collect K in the future and I will get him from Henry's at noon. This week's coffeegroup was a bit of a bust. We headed out there and only Erin turned up. I wasn't fussed - after all, I got to leave the house and sit in a nice warm room with lots of toys for K to play with but hopefully this coming wednesday will be better... with school holidays I am sure it will be. I saw the doctor on tuesday and am a 2 week course of antibiotics. The wound is responding very well to this and should be completely healed by the time the drugs are completed. K's sleeping is still all over the place which is rather annoying but C is sleeping like a champ! We are getting 3 to 4 hours at a time from him so he is doing great! He had his immunisations on thursday - which he did NOT appreciate - and so he was a wee bit scratchy and feverish Thursday night. Isabelle brought her 2 kids over for a visit on Friday...the one day that K decided to have a three hour sleep... had I KNOWN we were getting a three hour sleep from BOTH boys I would have had a nap myself... sadly, my future foretelling abilities seem to be nonexistent! Dangnabbit!! K has also picked up a new trick which is to look like he has gone to sleep, then sneaking out of his bedroom after Chris heads into the PC room and heading into my bedroom where I am feeding Cameron. He hops onto the bed, book in hand, and we get a story while I yell for Chris. It was particularly funny last night when Chris flung open the bedroom door after sitting in k's room for 40 minutes and saying "The little beggar's FINALLY asleep!" just as K scuttled past him, book in hand, and hopped onto the bed. Heeheehee. Silly old dad. Lots of others things happened during the week but I can't remember any of them :P Baby brain you know! Next week I plan to enrol K on the Glen Eden Kindy waiting list as they have a 6 month waiting list at the moment. Still, he can't start until he's three anyway so we have 6 months to spare.. I am also planning a painting day on Friday which should be messy, a cleaning and baking day on Monday and a few library trips for the rest of the week :)
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