I cannot believe the perfidy of mechanics performing WOF checks!! The WOF that we had done before the car was purchased indicated no problems with the brakes. When the car was seen we found that the pads had been worn away to bare metal. So that little repair cost us over $600! Ouch!! However the car drives beautifully now - which is something. I plan to call said WOFers - and ask for the $50 back. Well the last week of School holidays just flew by! We headed out to Plunket coffeegroup on Wednesday - but were the only ones there. Not a problem, and K enjoyed playing with the toys. On thursday Ruth and her 3 young charges came over and little Mr Lethargic curled up on the couch and fell asleep. That night things took a turn for the worse and he started running a fever. On friday Kym came over with Alex and Bella. K was tucked up in bed - he put himself to bed that morning - so I KNEW he wasn't feeling well. Alex popped upstairs to say hello to him, and K, like Lazarus, arose from his sickbed and came downstairs and had a play. He ate nothing however but seemed fairly frisky and happy. This is why I didn't take him to the doctors. His fever spiked and fell and spiked again over the weekend - and he clung, limpetlike to his father. Poor Chris got 9 hours sleep over Friday/Saturday and Sunday - that's 9 hours in total for the 3 nights. Poor Chris. I whisked K off to the Dr's on Monday where we discovered that K has tonsilitis and an ear infection in both ears. He does nothing by halves that boy!! Forcing antibiotics upon him (stashed in the milk as he refused to ingest them any other way) has produced a marked improvement and we had a frisking happy boy today - although somewhat prone to sudden meltdowns - I guess that comes with the territory. In happier news the Daphne is perfuming the garden as it has blossomed beautifully. Chris also brought home some BabyGap socks that I asked Dr James to procure on her jaunt to the wilds of Cornwall. She is a knowing one, that Dr James, becuase she brought back socks in brown, red and blue - which coordinate perfectly with the colours of Kieran's winter wardrobe :P She also brought back a little top for Cam -which has a teddy on it shrieking "Feed Me!" So appropriate :) I had hoped K would improve markedly once the drugs took effect and he did, but we had to cancel his PORSE morning. Sniff sniff. However he slept until 9:50am and then had a 3 hour sleep in the afternoon so he was obviously knackered. Cameron is sleeping well too, with us getting a 6 hour stretch at night - followed by a 3 or 2 hour block.....yippee!! Go Cameron! I took K along to coffeegroup today. I decided to take the stroller and timed it so I got halfway there when the rain bucketed down and arrived at the rooms as the rain stopped. Oh Yay!! Today was also the first day since Thursday that K deigned to eat - a burnt crumpet, a gingerbread man and an oaty slice. Tomorrow K goes to Henry's and on Friday we head of to the Mt Albert Grammar School Farm - which K should love!! Fingers crossed. I also plan to buy a student membership to MOTAT so that should make K a happy boy.
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