Well, it has been a rubbishy weekend!! It started badly by the lawnmover disintegrating as Chris mowed the berm outside the house. It got destroyed so well that there is no possible way that it can be repaired. Joy. You can imagine how happy we were. The only bright point in the whole debacle was that the lawns had been mown before the mower went to the great junkyard in the sky. On saturday afternoon as we headed out to go food shopping we discovered that the car wouldn't start. Kieran had been playing with the lights, which had drained the battery. We couldn't get the car jump started from Chris's little truck and, when we rolled the car back into the driveway Chris tore both his shoulder muscle and the stitching out of his shoe. Horrified at the expense (and this was going to be a tight fortnight as it was!) Chris remembered that one of his workmates had a trickle charger - which he drove off to collect. On sunday we cautiously hoped for the best and initially things looked good. The battery was charged, we all hopped into the car and attempted to reverse out of the driveway. The car appeared welded to the driveway but finally reversed with a bit of a jerk. We headed out to Western Springs to give the car a bit of a run, and settle in the battery charge. K had a wonderful time. It was a blue clear - and very cold - day and he gallivanted about the lake, while we followed in his wake. Cameron snoozed happily against his fathers chest throughout the expedition. We then headed off to Lynn Mall to buy Chris another pair of shoes. Chris was quite concerned about a mysterious scraping noise that had manifested after the departure from Western Springs. By the time we parked he was concerned enough to creep around the car peering at the tyres - but there was nothing overtly amiss. Once inside we procured some shoes for Chris and headed home. It was on the way home that the steering began to play up and us to become worried enough about it to not stop off and buy the groceries. Once home, I discovered my computer crashing. It takes an hour and a half for the computer to boot up , the screen fades to black every 40 seconds and it shuts down intermittently for disc/drive errors. Safe to say it is almost dead. We knew it was on its way out - it is 8 years old after all, and were going to save for a Notebook but now.... So we have to save up for a new lawn mover, new pc, new shoes that actually fit Chris feet properly and let's not forget car repairs. I called pitstop this morning and the car has been booked in for 8am tomorrow. The man offfered to free up space if I wanted to bring it in today - but I don't feel it is safe to drive with the 2 wee Squeaks. Hopefully it is only a minor (and cheap!!) repair. In other news K is being an excellent son, and loving big brother. I took the boys up to the library today - K walked up the hill and some of the way along the road before tripping and deciding riding was better. Amazing how much easier it is to get up the hill when one is not pushing 20kg of kiddies and 12kg of stroller. C is now smiling lots. Seriously, the boy is a grinning fool. Despite this, all the pics I have of his are of him sleeping or looking cross-eyed. Tomorrow I am heading to the Plunket rooms for a scrapbooking session. Yup, it's time K got his scrapbook haha :) Hopefully the weather is as nice as it was today - cos I am walking....
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