K has taken to walking like gangbusters. I suspect that the new stroller is not quite as comfortable as the old and that this has spurred on the change in attitude. Whenever it is a nice day I take the stroller up to the shops/library/Plunket rooms etc. On Monday we headed up to the Glen Eden kindy to put K's name on the waiting list. It makes sense, as we will be here until July (after that, who knows!). K had a great time and the Kindy looked good, with very nice staff. K walked all the way to the Kindy, holding my hand as we waited at lights etc.I was so proud. I was happy too, because on our train trip last week he flung himself onto the ground to have a tanty while we were crossing the road at an major intersection in Henderson. Blind with rage would not be an innacurate description of me that day, and I discussed his traffic safety failings, and why he needed to hold hands when we crossed roads at great length.... maybe it got through :P After the Kindy visit his excellent behaviour continued with him walking back, holding my hand for the train crossing and traffic lights etc. We then headed into the pet strore where puppies were ignored in favour of rabbits. After the pet store came the library where we played on the rocking horse, read books, wrestled teddies etc etc. Alas, this idyll was brought to an end by C producing ominous pouring noises from his backside, followed by a spreading yellow stain on his onesie (and my pants!!!) I thought the other mother there would die as she tried to contain her laughter when I announced to K that C needed a change and that "mummy would quite like to change her pants too!" Eventually I had to bribe him with pikelets to leave - and he walked all the way home. I was super impressed. He had a ball with Henry on Tuesday, while I headed off to a craft morning with coffee group girls. I managed to get the Bazoople cloth book for C cut out - that's all - but the morning was fun. Today I took the stroller up to the rooms. K was walking like a dream when I knocked him flat with the stroller, causing consternation and tears. It probably hurt quite a bit! In my defense I was trying to come up alongside him so that "if" something happened I was able to prevent it. He wound up riding to coffeegroup and being a sulky grommet until we left. I spend half the time while in the rooms spraying the toys with a bleach solution - naturally, these were the toys that K and the other kids then wanted to play with - immediately! I now reek of bleach! Phew! K did walk home like an angel though, indulging in puddle jumping the whole way - in which he was actively encouraged by his mother. C is cooing and chortling and giving us all big smiles. He is not fond of tummy time and prefers to be upright, the better to see the world. We shall have to hire an exersaucer shortly - to stimulate those litle brain cells haha. Dinner tonight is a mystery - though I may investigate the shops as I need to collect some library books and buy some yeast this afternoon.
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