Gosh the week just flew by! We didn't go to the MAGS farm on friday as numbers were too low and several people had forgotten about it so we are going this friday instead. It will be heaps of fun methinks! I don't know what happened to the weekend - it seemed to vanish in a haze of breastfeeding, baking and chores. K wakes up several times a night still - damn those ear infections!! Last night I had fallen asleep after the 2am feed and slowly surfaced to wakefulness to a slow and sinister chant. A shadowy form leered down at me, huskily whispering "milk... milk... milk" I appreciated the low volume as Cameron has been quite wakeful and desirous of snackin's over the weekend. The "milkman" received no milk, but got a cuddle before being tucked into bed. About 15 minutes later I awoke again to see a small form being carried out of the bedroom by a lurching, shambling figure (not a drunken kidnapper, but his father). We all headed out food shopping this afternoon - something we were dreading as K's behaviour at the supermarket previously has not always been stellar (cough, cough). Today he was an angel! He helped push the trolley, got items off the shelf, placed items in the trolley and was cheerful the entire trip. It was a pleasure going food shopping with him and we made sure to tell him how thrilled we were by his behaviour. He has started saying "Thank you" when given things - and it is just adorable! We visited his great grandma on sunday as she had a bag of toys for him - including his Grumpy's old aeroplane. K loved it and drove it up and down his father's chest quite happily. Today I had a Skype meeting that I needed to attend/minute. Naturally Cameron woke up screaming 5 minutes into the meeting and I wound up breastfeeding for the entire hour. He fell asleep 5 minutes before the meeting ended - typical! He was happy, and I was just relieved it wasn't a video call haha. At 9 weeks old Cameron is doing a lot of smiling, leg kicking and utters coos and makes interesting noises. You can also hear him fill his nappy from across the room. K is now able to inform us of his brother's impressive farting ability.... should we not hear a bottom eruption for ourselves a shriek of "Fart! Fart!" will let us know that C has yet again proven himself his father's son :P We have a big week planned and it should be fun!
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