Project: Redemption proceeds apace... we are having fewer tantrums - though still many, many of them, and the positive affirmation seems to be working well. It will still be a hard couple of weeks though, reclaiming our lovely little boy back from being a tanty monster. This weekend just flew by!!It was a whirlwind of toddlertaming and cooking. We didn't go out anywhere as Chris and I both caught K's nasty cold and all three of us have runny noses and chesty painful coughs!! Chris was amazing yesterday - he made beer bread, croissants, foccacia and pasta from scratch, handled K and wasn't grump - as he can be when sleep deprived. Naturally his reward was to have K morph into a little devil around 6pm!! Poor man. Today I took the boys to Oratia playgroup and K had a blast - and a 2 and ahalf hour sleep! Obviously he has been going stircrazy. His behaviour was also markedly better - possible due to getting some exercise :P As we drove up the hill we saw a police car, lights a-whirl, stopping a car at the bottom of the Road. We saw another two on the 4 minute drive to Playgroup, and then passed another car pulled over by the Police as we left playgroup. A good day for seeing the Police, obviously, not that those individuals chatting to the officers looked particularly thrilled by it mark you.....
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